Q.What was the first movie shot on location in New York City?
A. While Thomas A. Edison’s Kinetoscopes had been introduced in Manhattan in 1894, those films, which ran on a loop, were enclosed in a wooden cabinet and viewed only through an eyepiece.
答:1894年,托马斯·A·爱迪生(Thomas A. Edison)的活动电影放映机(Kinetoscopes)被引入曼哈顿。这个机器的原理是:胶片被封闭在木柜里,在一个循环的回路上转动,只能通过目镜观看。
The first film shot on location that was made to be projected on a screen was probably “Herald Square,” which was shot on May 11, 1896, by an Edison assistant, William Heise. He used a new camera that had been designed by Edison for shooting outdoor scenes, according to “Celluloid Skyline: New York and the Movies,” by James Sanders (Alfred A. Knopf, 2002). Just three weeks earlier, America’s first projected motion pictures were being shown near Herald Square in Koster & Bial’s Music Hall on 34th Street, where Macy’s now sits.
第一部实地拍摄、计划投影到银幕上的电影很可能是《先驱广场》(Herald Square)。它是1896年5月11日由爱迪生的助手威廉·海斯(William Heise)拍摄的。据詹姆斯·桑德斯(James Sanders)的书《电影天际线:纽约与电影》(Celluloid Skyline: New York and the Movies,克诺夫出版社,2002年)说,海斯当时用的是爱迪生设计的一款用于拍摄户外场景的新摄像机。就在三周前,美国的第一部投影电影在先驱广场附近第34街上的科斯特&比亚尔音乐厅(Koster & Bial’s Music Hall)放映。如今,先驱广场是梅西百货(Macy’s)的所在地。
“Looking out at the bright spring scene, he could see the energetic heart of a great city, bursting with life,” Mr. Sanders wrote of Mr. Heise. “Well-dressed pedestrians mingled with the surging traffic along 34th Street. The elevated train roared periodically along tracks above Sixth Avenue.”
These documentary films, just a minute or two long, were called actualities; they had no plots, stories or characters. They were soon supplanted by story films, Mr. Sanders wrote, especially chase scenes with police officers and criminals.